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2020 CRA Conference

  • August 29, 2020
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Lamp Liter Inn 3300 W Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4511


  • "Meals Included"

Registration is closed

2020 Annual Convention – Saturday, August 29th

The CRA 2020 Annual Convention has been rescheduled to Saturday, August 29th at the Lamp Liter Inn in Visalia. This will be a one-day convention. Doors open at 8:00 am with the call to order at 9:00 am and adjournment by 4:00 pm. There will be a brief CRA Board of Directors meeting after the conclusion of the convention.

The convention will be jointly hosted by the Porterville Area and Tulare County Republican Assemblies.

Convention registration is $95.00 and includes a continental breakfast, a superb lunch, afternoon snacks, and all-day beverage service.  

If you paid the $75 registration for the March convention, you will only pay $20 when you register online or by mail. If you paid more than $95 for the March convention, you will receive a refund check for the difference when you sign-in at the convention on August 29th.

Room reservations are handled separately through the Lamp Liter Inn by calling (559) 732-4511. For more information about the Lamp Liter Inn, check out the hotel’s website at www.lampliter.net.

For registration questions, please contact Sandi Miller at sandimiller45@gmail.com.

To inquire about advertising at the convention or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Sally Blagg at sallyblagg@aol.com.  

California Republican Assembly

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